Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Alps Alps Alps!!!

Maybe after all, I still have a home. I saw many places, but still i find the Alps one of the most beutiful places on Earth. And my grandma's house is still the same through all these years, she still heats the house with the wooden stove, which is still covered with orange peels (but the glow-in-the-dark statue of the virgin Mary in the bedroom still freak me out at night and it is going in the hall today!).
I am being 're-italianized'... I am smoking occasional sigarettes (no!!!) and drinking sparkling water.
I have very limited internet connection and my posts will be more scarse, but overall, I am happy, I am enjoying my relatives and the mountains. I am looking for a car; after that, I will look for a nest somewhere where I can open up all my boxes scattered around Italy (and Oregon... gracias Otto!).
I went downtown Rome with Valeria. I forgot how magical that city is. I went to Florence to see Claudia and her family (and ate Erithrean food thinking about Biniam! ;-)!).
Trento is entrateining and vibrant like always (on my opinion). There are shows and an adventure film festival and hikes... I ewen found a book about Samoa called 'Papalagi'.
I miss 10,000 people and 10,000 places, but I am also happy to be here.
Paty from Peru and her friend Jennifer will arrive next week...
Then Samudra from Sri Lanka and her husband Brian....
Then Mary from Samoa and her fiancee'...
May is going to pass fast, and then summer will come! I got my paraglider, next week I will check it out (I haven't flown it for a while)... Pura vida!

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