Friday, November 7, 2008

Slow life

This morning sunrise... the whole sky was on fire...

How come the life seems to pass so slow sometimes? I am literally counting the days for me to go to Oregon. 41 days left. I am trying to keep busy in between... but it never feels enough!

I have so many things I want to talk with to my manager next week (finally she is coming back to the island -lucky her that can leave!). Asking for more vacation days in march; asking if they will support me teaching a class in the community college (the class will benefit different EPA programs directly and indirectly. I am just going to ask if I can teach it during working hours. After all, all my other co-worker can take time off to take a class, why shouldn’t I be able to do the same?). Also next week I will know if EPA is going to support my ecoregion work or not (ecoregions are areas of similar ecology... US EPA did a huge work subdividing the whole US, I would like to do the same for American Samoa...). Their answers are going to decide what direction my future will take. If I can stay here producing something useful for the territory I will be happy, but otherwise, I can think of many better places to just hang out.. If they say "Yes", then good. If they say "No", then good anyway because in that case my reasons to be on island will diminish a lot and I may as well leave... no idea where or what, which is very exciting! There are new friends around the world that are due for a visit... all I would have to do is to choose if I will fly east or west from here... SUSPENCE….

My feet are hitching… hitching…

This are the leaflet I prepared for the tourists... I planned to donate 25% of the earning to the John Dau Foundation ( ) but 25 cents would not be much... I saw the movie "God grow tired of us" and it really inspired me. Highly suggested. I really have nothing to complain about in my life, overall , I am super lucky....)

Oh yes! I forgot: for the first time since I moved here… There is Prosciutto in K-S Mart! (the whole leg would costs me $120… I think I may just buy ½ of it…)


Anastácio Soberbo said...

Hello, I like the blog.
It is beautiful.
Sorry not write more, but my English is bad writing.
A hug from Portugal

Anonymous said...

barbi scusa se non è proprio un super commento da blog, ma non riesco a contattarti, scrivimi!!!
carinissime le foto cmq.
bacio A PRESTO
ps.occhio a non finirti tutto il prosciutto in una sera che ti conosco...

Anonymous said...

barbi scusa se non è proprio un super commento da blog, ma non riesco a contattarti, scrivimi!!!
carinissime le foto cmq.
bacio A PRESTO
ps.occhio a non finirti tutto il prosciutto in una sera che ti conosco...

... said...

muito obrigada, eu tambem gosto muito de tus poesias! O meu portugues no e' tam bom, no posso lembrar as palabras para falar, mais posso entender tudo o que tu escribes. es muito romantico! bejitos de Polinesia! adeus!

come mi conosci bene! Il prosciutto e' gia' finito! Oggi ne compro altro! ieri ho fatto un panino col prosciutto e ce lo siamo mangiato il 3, passandolo il circolo come fosse una canna!
Mi manchi tanto anche te!!! Un bacione a tutti quanti!!!

AmSam Recipe Forum said...

Barbara - after our conversation the other day, i decided to look at your blog. Wonderful!! Especially the pictures i took! Anyway, every time I go into KSMart, this woman (the one with the Prosciutto) asks me to ask you to give her this photograph. Can you PLEASE make her VERY happy and give her the damn photo (and make my times in KS easier....). Gracias tia xxxxxxxxxxxx