Sunday, November 16, 2008

Magic pajamas, grass skirts and crocodiles

I have a pair of magic pajama. They used to be Lady Naomi’s, but I put my hands on them last naked woman night; I cannot really get rid of them.
They look common inoffensive pajama: they are long, white with red vertical; the kind of pajama a girl would wear went prince charming would unexpectedly knock at her door, in the movies.
But they have a hidden power. In the morning, when I get out of bed, I cannot take them off. They are just too cozy, too temping, too nice… Why would I ever want to take them off, get dressed, go out somewhere in the heat when I could stay home in the breeze, enjoy the view, reading a book about Magellano’s circumnavigation or the geography of happiness? Even readings on ecological restoration or mock GRE tests seem enjoyable when wearing this pajama… Add crepes with nutella for breakfast too…. What else could I want? (-knock, knock-;-) (I think my cats have a magic fur too, they are always sleeping).
So here I am, my pajama and I, another lazy Sunday.
I apologize for not writing much lately, I still have not got internet at home and I depend from my neighbor’s mercy (which of course is wonderful!), and work as been hectic.
The other day I expressed all my frustrations to my manager. I told her that I am not interested in staying here much longer because I am negatively affected by current new policies (inexistent when I renewed my contract) which totally disagree with and hurt my patience level. Staying here by myself could be motivating if I can see a professional/personal improvement of some kind, and if I can do some good for the territory. But if I have to stay in the office, doing nothing new and not learning anything new than, well, ciao ciao, there are many other places I can go, I have already served my time on the rock. I feel for her too (my manager), because things can be hard for her too, and she is truly a wonderful manager. I know I am wanted and appreciated here, but it is also time to be a bit more selfish and thing more on what is better for my future and me. I prepared few requests for the director, with time we are going to submit them all too, and we will see. Elections for governor are next week anyway…
My life seems well planned until April anyway (in a perfect and exciting way!), and by that time I should also know if I can go back to school at OSU or not.

Another big event, than kept me from paddling and taekwondo, was the continuous practicing for the dancing show we had last night.
I love dancing, even if my style resembles more brake (or break?) dancing than Polynesian (I think I can shake my ass, but when it is about doing those grateful movements with hands and arms, I feel very robotic). Unfortunately the dancing group is dominated by few elites that decide everything for everybody else, and some tension and bitter feelings arose before the show. I am not sure now if I am interested going back. Ideally I would like to still be able to perform, and donate the profit to same organizations that do good. Dancing for a cause is so much more motivating! There are few girls interested, so maybe in January we will start with this new project. It is fun though to wear a grass skirt and not feel totally stupid about it. I was hoping for coconut bra too, but the dress was changed at the last minutes. Pictures to come soon…

Crocodiles. You probably know by now that this island is crazy and magical, and that “incredibility” here is at the order of the day. While things like cops shooting dogs on the airport runway (or did the dogs die because the Hawaiian Airline plane simply landed on them?), or cops handcuffing employs at stores for not selling them alcohol (when, by law, they are not supposed to) do not amaze me anymore, there are still things happening sometimes that make you laugh out load.
Apparently, Friday a dead crocodile was found in Matu’u stream (the same day I surveyed that stream! Freaking!) The family that found the animal bought it to the Department of Fishery and Wildlife. But about 10 seconds, somebody though that a new specie has been discovered. Excitement! No, wait, it is a crocodile (what the heck is a crocodile doing in the middle of the Pacific!). As the media flow in (I think the media was already there to film a meeting), they opened up the crocodile to find out the cause of death (maybe was a released pet animal?).… no, it is a staffed crocodile!!! (When they told me this story, at this point I feared for my staffed teddy bears: a dog, a sheep and a walrus).
Somebody must have decided to get rid of the doomed animal and throw it into the streams (some people here still do not understand the function of garbage bins and keep on throwing their garbage in the stream –which was fine 30 years ago when plastic was not very common, but that has disastrous consequences now). Just imagine it.

(A Samoan friend of mine went off-island for the first time about a year ago. She saw for the first time a staffed dear. She asked if it was real. "uhm, well, yes and no". Why would people ever do it (we think this place is illogical, but most locals must think we are illogical too… we staff animals, we walk dogs…)? Then they went somewhere (a shopping mall?) where there were wax people... She asked if they were staffed people too….)


Elizabeth said...

I'll dance with you if you can get rid of the dance nazis.

... said...

yeah right! I am too scared of them! ;)
But you can join our fund-raising-for-good-cause dancing group next year... Just fun and good! Ego on the side!