Monday, September 15, 2008

Tap Tap Tap...

"tap tap tap" even the sound of a gecko is enough to give me goose bumbs... It just sounds too much like the sound of the tatoo master Sulu'ape tapping the board's task, wet with ink, into my skin (and bones!)...
Intensive weekend, intensive weekend... stay tuned for story telling time! Here a little preview...
(I will post of picture of my tattoos soon... a bit of suspense!)
As the master taps taps taps, two guys make sure your skin is fully stretched all the time. A third guy provides some breeze, keeping the mosquitoes away...Jeff was the first one to get his tattoo (band on the arm)... the father of the pig on the background is the one that donated that task... ;)
Taking a rest for Paul.. his tattoo took more than 2 hours!!! And... did you see "my big fat Greek wedding"?... is that windex they used to clean us???


Elizabeth said...

No it's not windex it's Febreeze. Perhaps you guys were especially sweaty and stinky.

... said...

... I just wish they used normal alcohool... that staff did not burn too much though... well, everything else did!!!