Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The wicth returned! W la Befana!

I am not even sure how, but I made it, I made it back to the rock.

I am back to my cats, my castle, the school bus that I met every morning in Nu’uuli coming from the opposite direction and that smells so bad, back to stop-teenager-pregnancy advertisements (I think this is my favorite –the SEX sign was awesome too, but they put it down. This says: " You think being in school sucks? Having a baby sucks a whole lot more"),

back to corruption and unfairness, slow internet connection, work, back to blue inspiring coral waters, green steep cliff, rooster screaming (or chanting?) all night long, back to 10,000,000 starts in the sky…how can you ever describe what it means to be back to the rock?

I got frustrated on my first day to work. “Panta rei” (I really do not understand my the Greek alphabet is called “symbol” in Microsoft word??), said Heraclitus, “everything flows”…. I loved him in school, maybe because I wanted my life to change at that time and I could not wait for time to pass.

Those rivers one steps into are not the same. other and yet other waters keep flowing on.
Into the same rivers we step and yet we do not step, we exist and at the same time we do not exist.

After all, one does not step into the same river twice. waters disperse and come together again ...
they keep flowing on and flowing away

In the end, there is only flux, everything gives way

Everything is in flux and nothing abides,
everything flows and nothing stays fixed,
everything is constantly changing and nothing stays the same.

So, bad day today, a bright new day tomorrow! Panta rei!

Tuesday was a very important festivity in Italy, and one of my favorites. A witch, called Befana, flies on her broom from house to house and leaves, in socks left outside or next to the fireplace, sweets to good kids and coal to bad ones. She is a modernization of the Roman/Sabine goddess Strina… it is funny how this pagan festivity happen to be on the 12th night, the same night the 3 kings arrived to give present to baby Jesus…

I had no gold, incense or myrrh to share with my friends, but I did bring something special from off-island… an oven full of injera, a big bag of berbere’ and another one of shiro!

Injera is a traditional fermented bread typical in Ethiopian and Eritrean cuisine. About once a month, somebody volunteer to cook something special for everybody. Since I cook Italian every day, I decided to challenge myself with some Eritrean/Ethiopian cuisine, since I lived with Biniam for so long…

Well, on my opinion, it was good!

Today I rearranged the house. I am that kind of person. I took it from my dad. He loved rearranging furniture. But not in our house, in everybody else house. I remember going to so many dinners in which my dad would ask the hosts to move their furniture around, or just do it himself... I am too shy to do it (plus, outside of Italy it may sound like something rude to do), but I love rearranging the furniture in my place once in a while (maybe even too often)… it is my art, my form of expressing myself… I love empty rooms that I fill with staff! Maybe this is why I love moving so much!

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