Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Act 1: on the way to the last frontier...

Note by the author

Personages of this story did really exist and facts did really happened, but considering that the play occurred in Samoa, they can be considered totally fictional.


About a month ago, a secret agent came on island for a mission. He needed “local” support to successfully complete his assignment, and I was chosen for that task. Thanks to my help, the secret mission was accomplished very productively. The first part of this trip was carefully planned to follow up on that mission.

Scene 1 (20 march 2008): The governor’s party

In my mind, this trip started as soon as I stop working, at 4 o’clock. I changed into my dancing puletasi (traditional dress), and soon I headed up to the governor’s residence for a party in honor of the NOAA research ship. This is the first time I have ever been invited to a governor’s party (and by governor I mean the Samoan equivalent of Bush, or Prodi), but when you know important people… or better, when you cook for the lead scientists and half of the research staff, this is was you get. The unofficial Italian bistro is becoming famous.

(the governor of American Samoa and me)

The dinner consisted of traditional food and the desserts were great, but the stories of the governor was without doubt that most interesting things. He joined the NOAA ship for few days to visit the far away well lost Rose Atoll, territory of American Samoa, population zero. My favorite is the description of the recovery of a “monument” left by the previous governor. Incise on the front, you can read the words:

Rose Atoll

Property of American Samoa


You will understand the irony of this sign if you can find Rose Atoll on the map…

Around 9:00, somebody drove me and other scientists that were abandoning the ship and returning home earlier to the airport, to catch our overnight flight to Honolulu.

(dancing with the first lady. Notice the $$$ on the floor. This is the only place on the earth in which you can through a dollar again the dancing first lady without offending anybody! Throuwing money to a person dancing is a sign of support/respect)

Scene 2 (21 march 2008): So far, and thanks for all the fishes
The Pago Pago- Honolulu plane is without doubt the first training for survival in Alaska. Meanwhile for most passengers, thanks to their extra layers of fat, low temperature is not an issue, for me getting to Hawaii without frost bites is hard work. The cold keeps you awake most of the trip, and I always end up wearing a minimum at 4 blankets.

Once landed (around 6.00 in the morning), two of the main scientists of the NOAA ship kindly took my out for breakfast, and they filled the governor’s stories with more interesting details, praising the governor’s determination and strength. After all this stories, I really have to say now that we do have a COOL governor (I do not know personally the lieutenant governor, but he was arrested a while ago by the FBI, and, as he is waiting for the court case, he is still fully working. Hard worker too).

The plan after breakfast was to go to the VIP lounge for Hawaiian Airline and take a nap there until my next flight to San Francisco, but as soon as I closed my eyes “Barbara!!!” there you go. John is the Capitan of one of the tuna fishing boat that leave their catch at the canneries here. Every time is comes back from a trip, he takes me a tune, a mohi mohi and a wahoo. In exchange, I cook for him and he gets to be out from the harbor area for a while and meet persons that are not fishermen. It all started a random evening when he and other people passed by my place at dinner time and I invited them for some food.

That Friday, he was also flying back home. I met the Captains of the other fishing boats, of which most have Italian origin. Naturally, they all offered food and fishes. Interesting, breakfast with the scientists, lunch with the fishermen, what a various life I am living! There is this “italianiship” that connects us in a way, and I feel like, being the only pure breed Italian on the island, they need to pay their respect with some catch. J, well, “so far, and thanks for all the fish”!!!

Finally it is time to go to San Francisco; James Bond is waiting for me. I arrive there around 9.00 in the evening.

To be continued….

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sai....gia´ti voglio bene!!!E non vedo l´ora di conoscerti meglio e passare un po´di tempo assieme.....sono certa che il mio inglese maccaronico migliorera´sensibilmente...e non solo quello!!!!!!!Sono contenta di sentirti bene....un abbraccio e....a prestissimooooooooooooooooo