Saturday, July 12, 2008

another weekend in Portland

I should make weekend in Oregon kind of a must every once in a while! Weekends here are just always so good! This time with 2 great additions, Maria Jose, that happened to be in Vancouver, Canada, and flow down for the weekend, and Ben that agreed that stopping in Portland on his way from Samoa to Florida (for a conference) was a good idea. We left more or less at the same time, flow for about 12 hours (Ben North-east, and myself east), and met middle way in Portland for the weekend.

In San Francisco airport I randomly met a friend of mine, Andy, leaving from the gate next to mine. Either this is a small world, or I know tons of people!

Biniam and Liz came to pick us up. They had 2 hours to interrogate Ben by themselves, after I also arrived and we went back to Corvallis for the night.

Friday was a rest-try-to-do-staff day. Including going to buy chocolate and pasta barilla for my trip back to Samoa. Of course lunch at the Indian restaurant! I was happy I could show Ben the place where I lived for 4 years… I feel like I have many places I call home, and Corvallis is one of those.

Maria Jose arrived in the evening, so we drove back to Portland, had dinner with Rob at the Eritrean restaurant, and went to pick her up. Rob was able to make a full of himself in 30 seconds with 2 single comments about Ben. For love to Rob I won’t comment of those. Rob, I do love you sooo much! ;)

(ok, just one... Rob commenting on Ben's british accent...)

And Maria Jose arrived!!! And with only a short suitcase! That is unbelievable and left as all speechless, as she usually travels with a hairdryer of mostrodontic dimensions that need a bag by itself. It was such a joy seeing her!

4th of July!!! In the US this is a big party, kind of a town party (without open and free drinking in the streets), in which people gather to BBQ and do fireworks. We spent the morning walking downtown with Ben, Biniam and Liz, and he afternoon at Ally’s house (and Ally’s bed too, sleeping), with Ally’s family. (the tea group! Liz, Biniam, Ottito linod, Maria Jose, me and Ben)

As Corvallis has been home to me, Ally’s family also welcomed me with open arms when I was living there. It was such a joy seeing them all. Andy (the friend that I met in San Francisco airport) also drove up from Corvallis and joined us.

(Multnomah falls, on the way to Ally's property)

The day we drove east to Ally’s property for another family get together, that for us meant more as a “Biniam-Liz-Maria Jose-Ally-Trevor-Ben-I” get together. I think it has been something like 3 years the 6 of us have not been together like that. It was special to me, and I am glad that Ben got to be part of it. Hiking, BBQ buffalo’s steak and singing around the bonfire, loved it!

Alarm clock set at 4:00 next morning, Ally and Maria did the effort to drive us out of the property to the closest town where we left Liz’s car (that is not good for dirty roads), and then Liz and Biniam drove us 2 more hours west back to Portland, to leave Ben and I at the airport. This time, I will fly south-west, and Ben east.

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